Survivor Voices
You can read some of the feedback from our clients below.
Please keep doing this vital work; keep doing what you do for people like me.
Your service needs more funding to help more people.
Revival is an incredibly well-run charity. The help was there when I needed it. Effort, time and care was put into me. Their work should be supported, as it makes a real difference to people’s lives and mental health.
I think that within other sectors there is a tendency to be diagnosis led, or goals led. It always felt like a lot of tick boxes and labels which is dehumanising. With Revival, there really isn’t any pressure to meet criteria, no gatekeeping of care dependant on a ticked of a diagnosis. It’s just humans helping humans. There was so much healing in that one act alone, in being met as I was, in all my shame and brokenness, and not having to justify myself, my existence, my worthiness of or entitlement to healing.
I still remember my first ever session with Revival. I sat, emotionally detached (and probably dissociated) in the chair and described how I viewed myself as a broken vase, put back together. How, even if I found all the pieces I would still be cracked and different and broken. How I could never go back in time and stop that vase (me) from being dropped and shattered. […] My counsellor looked me dead in the eye, no shock, no disbelief, no judgement, and with absolute belief and certainty she just said ‘I can help you’. It was the first time in my life I ever believed that another human being cared for me, and it genuinely changed everything.
I really can’t out into words how wonderful Revival, and everyone who’s a part of it is. What you’re doing for survivors is amazing, world-changing, life-saving work. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done to help me.
I only have praise for Revival and the people who provide the service. I didn’t realise how much this affected every part of my life but I feel I have changed a lot from when I first started this journey. I am a much more confident and open person.
This has been a lifeline for me, because I felt like I was drowning before we began.
Just thank you. It really is an amazing thing that you guys do and I’m really really glad that I did it. Oh and I’ve never been so excited about counselling in my life!
I’ve started to question and be curious about myself, and less judgemental.
This was a very different experience to my last counselling. I didn’t feel judged. It has encouraged me to consider more counselling in the future.
The sessions have allowed me to understand myself way better than what I was expecting. I’ve seen a huge change in me. I’m less troubled, less dark, happier because of the sessions and the relationship I’ve been having with myself is remarkable. I’m really seeing the positive and good parts of me which has been an unexpected bonus!
My facilitator was so personable, her manner so calm and soothing. What she conveyed to me has never been demonstrated to me by a professional worker before and I am truly grateful to her for all of that help and most particularly, that respect.
I am truly grateful for this fantastic service I was offered. I didn’t think I would stick to it, but I did and think I have smashed it in the end.
The organisation’s approach was gentle, great communication and made me feel really comfortable. Very different to previous counselling experiences in which I wasn’t made to feel comfortable.
It’s been probably the most helpful and engaging thing I’ve done in my entire life, I really do feel that I understand my feelings and emotions and can now deal with the bad days.
I have found these sessions with [counsellor] quite challenging at times but the professionalism, knowledge and empathy I have received has helped me enormously. […] I will miss our sessions but I know Revival will be there for me when I need it.
I think how different my life is now compared to when we started this process. The journey I’ve gone through, I feel so proud and feel like I’ve found myself through it. It’s the best I’ve ever felt so thank you. It’s just changed everything and it’s so amazing and I would be such a different person if you didn’t help me the way you have. It’s been amazing, you’re amazing.